The funny thing about burnout is that, not only are you unlikely to see it coming, it’s tough to recognize even when you’re in the midst of it. Want to know if you’re in burnout? Check out my prior post: Burnout: The Struggle is Real

When I look back, I realize that I should have seen it coming. I was doing far too much. Some good things, yes. But I was making many mistakes along the way. The biggest mistakes? Spending less time with God and my family. My work was slowly creeping up in importance over those two things.

That, my friends, is the slippery slope.

How do you know if you’re riding the slippery slope straight to the burnout pit? Here’s a clue…

Clue: Your relationships are out of whack

If your work is more important than God and the people God has put in your life, something is wrong.

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” – Matthew 22:36-40

Of all the laws in all of God’s word, He wants us to know what is most important and makes it quite clear. We’re to put God first and the people He puts in our lives next. Our work comes after that.

Yes, we have commitments to our employers. Bills to pay. Mouths to feed. But–if we put God first–He will supply our needs. We don’t need to worry.

Not convinced?

Try it.

Believe me, I’m speaking to myself. This is my story! I tend to work hard to ensure my needs are met rather than trusting God to provide. But He’s proven faithful in everything I’ve trusted Him with. If only I didn’t constantly need reminders and resets…

Trust me when I say, if we don’t get this right…if we don’t love God and others above our work…it will come back to bite us. Whether that’s by sliding into burnout or finding yourself looking back with a trail of ruined relationships behind you or some other method God uses to wake you up.

If you don’t break whatever habit or idol you’re putting before God and others on your own–God will break it for you.

And it will hurt.

Burnout hurts.

But, God has woken me up. I rise each morning intent on spending my first moments with Him before I do any work. I talk to Him throughout the day. I play Christian music. I get together with other Christians and talk about Him. Anything to keep Him at the forefront of my mind.

And, after the work day ends and on weekends when my family is awake, I don’t work. I make my family and gathering with other Christians a priority.

This might be difficult for you. You may be a single mom (been there). Or you might have employers that require too much of your time. Or [insert your predicament here].

Pray about it.

Tell God that you want to put Him first in your life. Ask Him how to do that…what that looks like for you. It’s not the same for everyone. The beauty is: He knows you and your situation better than you. He knows how to fix it.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” – Matthew 7:7-8

The God of the universe knows you, is always with you, is always ready to listen, and has so much in store for you if you only ask.

Try it.

If you’re in burnout, there’s still hope. I’ll continue to share what I’ve learned about getting out. In the meantime, if you’d like more practical information about the slope, check out Becca Syme’s Quitcast: Writer Burnout and the Slide. As with Becca’s video I shared about burnout in my prior post, though it’s specific to writers there’s still much to be gleaned.

But the best advice I can give no matter what your situation is to ensure your priorities are straight: God First, people next. Work, hobbies, and even ministries come after.

You’ll never go wrong when you put God first.

“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” – Psalm 105:4

You are loved,

J F Rogers

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