Happy New Year!
I love New Year’s resolutions. It’s like each year is a blank slate full of potential. And I love goal setting and self improvement. This year, my family is going to give the keto diet a try. My husband and daughter both came to me separately and suggested it. That’s a first! I’m usually the diet pusher in the family. So that’s our big, family goal. I also want to continue many great habits I already started such as reading and reviewing more books, publishing more books, and, most importantly, spending the first moments of my day with God.
I received an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) for Sharon Gamble’s new devotional “Sweet Selah Moments.” The author suggests getting up each morning, finding a comfy space (even prepping it the night before with your Bible, Devotional, pen…anything you’ll need) and spending the first part of your day with God.
She talked about selah, a Hebrew word you read throughout the psalms that means to “stop” or “ponder.” My pastor spoke on it last Sunday. He says it means to “think about it.” All make complete sense. We should start our day each morning and think about God’s word, thus creating a “Sweet Selah Moment.”
Since I read Gamble’s devotional for content to review and didn’t have a paperback to curl up with, I knew I would benefit from following her suggestions once I had a physical copy in hand.
When the book arrived, since it was so close to New Years, I decided to make it one of my resolutions. But God had other plans.

A couple of weeks ago, I woke at 3:30 in the morning. I was wide awake with no hope of falling back to sleep. And I remembered Sharon’s book sitting downstairs, waiting for me.
So, I went downstairs, brewed myself some coffee, turned on the Christmas tree lights, and cuddled up on the couch, next to the tree, with my coffee and devotional.
It was great.
That night I prayed that God would get me up early again the next morning. Not 3:30 am early, but early enough to go through the day’s devotion and “Going Deeper” section.
My alarm typically goes off at 5 am and I hit the snooze repeatedly until about 5:45 when I have to be up. Not that morning. I actually got up, went downstairs and did the devotion. I even had time to spare to get in a little exercise. And I’ve managed to get up every day with enough time to do my devotion and exercise before I’m met with the demands of the day.

This has been the best way to start my day. And I haven’t even gotten to how great this specific devotional is! Each day Sharon happens to say exactly what I need to hear (almost as if God planned it or something). And she leads me through the prayer and scriptures I needed at that moment. My days have gone so much smoother and I look forward to waking and spending that time with God.
Makes sense, right? Isn’t that what Jesus asks us to do?
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” – Matthew 6:33
“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30
There are many devotions out there. I happen to love Sweet Selah Moments. But, like with diet and exercise, you need to find one that works for you. The key is that you do it. If the morning doesn’t work, find another time. Schedule it. Make sure it happens. Show God that He is a priority in your life. You will be glad you did.
There’s no better time to start than today. Even if you’re reading this after the first of the year. God showed me that. Why wait to start something I know will be good for me?
And Jesus didn’t say come to Him tomorrow, when you’re less busy, or when the stars are aligned just so. He simply said, “come.” There’s no better time than right now.
You are loved,
J F Rogers
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