The triology is finally complete! Today is Aloft’s birthday–the final book in the Ariboslia trilogy. I have to admit… at times I wondered if I’d ever see this day. It was a long road.
If you’ve been following my blog for some time… or if you’ve read the “About the Author” section… you know the first book is tied into my testimony. I tried for years to write the first book (starting in High School). After many failed starts throughout the years, I’d practically given up.
But, the story wouldn’t leave my mind. A couple of years before I lost my job, the story started bugging me. I’d go for walks during lunch with a coworker and share aspects of the story and the background. She would say, “That’s all in your head? You need to write that down.” Yet, for some reason, I couldn’t.
Then I lost my job and my world came crashing down. If you’d like some insight as to what was happening during that time, check out my post: my-story-part-ii-the-christmas-card/
That year I found myself with lots of time on my hands. I took classes to finally get my Bachelor’s degree, applied to thousands of jobs, took care of my child, and wrote the first draft of Astray. I’d started the story before I submitted to Christ and finished it after. It’s as if God planned it *wink, wink* so I’d start the dark part of the story when my life was still dark. Then, after submitting to Christ and my outlook on life drastically changed, so did Fallon’s outlook. The story became a spiritual journey that somewhat mimicked my own.
It still took years after that to publish the story. There were many first-time-writer mistakes. But God brought along another Christian author to point me to ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) to find a critique group. I learned so much through that process and my book got a major facelift. Then, I went to a writer’s conference and met with an agent who suggested I add another 20K words and market it to adults. Thus the dream sequence and mindlink between Aodan and Fallon was born. The original manuscript didn’t include any of that and the entire series wouldn’t have worked without it.
I’m so grateful to God for giving me the ability and desire to write these stories. And for bringing other people into my life at pivotal points. I have learned so much and grown closer to Him throughout the process. Every challenge, every time delay, every person He brings with suggestions has a purpose. Therefore, I have to give the credit for these stories to God. Without Him, it wouldn’t have happened. And without you, my readers, I would have no reason to do it.
“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.” – Psalm 37:4-6
God has always been there, nudging me to draw nearer to Him. But it wasn’t until I committed, to the best of my ability and understanding, to live my life for Him, that all these things happened. The more I learn, the more I grow, the more I understand how true these scriptures really are as I get the opportunity to live them out.
With that, I hope you get a chance to read the series and that it leaves you with a greater hope and understanding of our amazing God. And, if you have anything you long to do yet feel hopeless that it will ever be accomplished, don’t give up hope. Commit your plans to God and…
“Come close to God, and God will come close to you.” – James 4:8a
You are loved,
J F Rogers