Ain-Dìleas \ ahn dill-ay-ahs \ from Bandia
Arlen \ are-luhn \ from Kylemore
Cael \ kayl \ from Notirr
Dosne \ Dohs-nee \ from Fàsach
Olwen \ Ohl-ven \ from Reòdh
Treasach \ treh-zack \ from Gnuatthara
Fasgadair \ faz-geh-deer \ vampires – means “blood drinker”
Gachen \ gah-chen \ shapeshifters – anagram for “change”
Pech \ peck \ small, strong people with abilities with stone
Selkie \ sell-key \ gachen who turn into seals
Ariboslia \ air-eh-bows-lia \ the realm
Ardara \ ahr-dahr-ah \ a gachen village
Bandia \ ban-dee-ah \ occupied by the Ain-Dìleas
Bàthadh Sea \ bah-thach \ the sea leading to the land to the east
Bloigh rùm \ bleye room \ a hall in Ceas Croi
Ceas Croi* \ kase kree \ a city in a mountain created by the pech, occupied by the fasgadair
Cnatan Mountains \ crah-dan \ the mountains that make Bandia difficult to reach by land
Diabalta \ dee-ah-ball-tah \ a formerly great city now under Morrigan’s control
Fàsach \ fah-zack \ a village in the dessert occupied by the Dosne
Gnuatthara \ new-tara \ a fortified city occupied by the Treasach
Kylemore \ kyle-more \ a village in the trees occupied by the Arlen
Notirr* \ no-tear \ a village of mounds in hills occupied by the Cael
Reòdh* \ ray-och \ a village in the ice lands occupied by the Olwen
Saltinat \ salt-in-at \ an underwater city occupied by the selkie
Taobh Na Mara \ toov nah mah-rah \ A seaside village occupied by the selkie
Tower of Galore \ ga-lore \ a large tower rumored to be occupied by giants